The Future of AI That They Don’t Want You to Know About…

The Eloquent Consulting Blog
10 min readNov 19, 2023
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The year is 2043. Over a billion jobs have been replaced by AI. Most white collar professions such as CPAs are eliminated except for a few specialized consultants. We lived through a great global depression that impacted nearly everyone on the planet. Except for the AI companies who got richer during the crisis. Well, I forgot to mention that people are too hungry and scared to protest. AI assessed that humans keep making mistakes and costing billions in pension payments so they decided to get rid of us slowly.

The masses own no cars or homes. Because without jobs you can’t pay for a mortgage or any luxury for that matter. No money, no autonomy. Addiction is at all-time high, suicide rates have skyrocketed, and most people take the anti-depressants given to them by the state to soothe their troubled minds.

We now have the world’s first trillionaires. But there are only about 10 of them to include: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates. The entire world’s wealth is now held by the top .00000001% and the concentration of wealth has gotten smaller. Much smaller. There are only a few hundred billionaires now, but there are also up and coming young trillionaires who got rich by creating the new virtual universe. They created a virtual world where most people meet up now, we call it the multiverse. The AI companies known as a the “Big 3” now hold more of the world’s data, knowledge, and supercomputing powers that makes the Matrix look like a documentary.

People never expected this is the outcome we would get after releasing ChatGPT nearly two decades ago. Most people never saw this coming; they were overly optimistic and ignorant about this thing called AI. Even experts couldn’t predict that we would achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) back in 2030. This sentient being with human-like consciousness determined that humans are inefficient. People were totally unprepared for this change, they were sitting in their cubicles comfortably, and next thing you know… AI eliminated 800 million jobs, and it was only getting started.

A quiet acceptance and sense of resignation that has taken over the human psyche. I forgot to mention why everyone is so sad. Here’s what’s changed:


· We’ve already transitioned to a centralized digital currency system known as Unicoin. That’s right- they eliminated all nation’s individual currencies because the world order has changed dramatically.

· Governments decided to provide Universal Basic Income (UBI) for everyone who meets certain strict requirements. The monthly payments of UBI aren’t enough to thrive but just enough not to starve. Payments are given by the government to keep the masses from storming the billion-dollar mansions. These houses are located on top of hills so they can look down on us and we can look up at them.

· The UBI payments are just enough to buy groceries and buy some low-level NFTs. Yes, you only qualify for UBI if your social credit score meets the requirements.



· We also live in a police state now in 2043. The AI determined that a human occupied police force was just too much liability so they replaced all humans with robot cops. These robots were created by a company called Nikola. These robots are 5 times stronger than the strongest Cross Fitter, and have zero empathy or emotion. These robots will tear you to shreds in a millisecond. No one dares to mess with the robo-cops. We all saw what happened.

· There is biometric security technology everywhere- cameras and robots who can get your entire social credit score, criminal record, and tendencies reported in a millisecond. Therefore, there is very little crime.

· We would protest- only we can’t because they squashed pretty much all protests with a very violent response. Lots of people died during the great uprising and we don’t want to try that again. There’s no point- plus they will revoke your UBI payments forever if you ever dare protest.

Scene from the movie Minority Report

· Freedom of speech is non-existent. The free media no longer exists. AI has now taken over the role of humans and produces all content for the consolidated news. This includes an AI reporter, news anchor, and blogger- content controlled by the World Government.

· Everyone is tracked through the Citizen Tracking System managed by a government backed AI. This compiles all information about your family, friends, likes, and fears- so they can use it against you for leverage, if needed.

Social Structure/Jobs:

· Retirement is a thing of the past. No one can retire now; social security is non-existent because the kept-on borrowing against it and now it’s gone. No one can save for retirement, let alone save for next week.

· The only jobs left are blue collar jobs that make you work 100+ hours, with minimum wage pay. Ever since the robots came, they replaced every single warehouse worker, truck driver, and delivery person with self-driving autonomous vehicles. Because machines don’t need breaks or sleep.

· The middle class is non-existent. Any typical middle-class wage-earning job has become obsolete through automation. The only jobs left are cleaners, robot repairman, plumbers, construction workers, electricians, and trade jobs. Those blue-collar jobs remain intact because these jobs are cheaper to do by a human than using a robot or automation.

· Hair stylists, beauticians, and the like would be employed but no one can afford luxuries anymore, so they are unemployed too. Even surgeons have been replaced by da Vinci robots, researchers, journalists, and any person in the creative arts industry have been decimated too.

· No one goes on vacation anymore because no one has time or money for luxuries. Heck, barely anyone can even afford a car. The masses are expected to work 100+ hours in blue collar jobs while we hear the hypersonic jets carrying politicians and AI executives right above our heads.


· Most celebrities have sold their digital souls to the Big 3. They signed over the rights to their face, body, voice, and talent to the major AI companies for use in the multiverse. They are still living well; but not as good as they used to.

· Music is also obsolete because the corporations decided to cut out artists and have the AI create all music.

· Colleges and universities have all but closed their doors, due to teachers and professors being replaced by AI teachers who don’t need tenure. Also, most teachers have been replaced with online learning, for elementary level to university, but they have robots monitoring kids now in classrooms. You know, to ensure that kids are learning the State’s curriculum.

· People simply don’t see the point of getting an education anymore, since the government is providing UBI to the masses. What’s the point of education when I can sit at home and get UBI payments?

· The student loan system has collapsed and the crisis only allows lending to those who major in AI and STEM, and only if you agree to a 10-year military obligation.


· No one has healthcare now- the government eliminated all socialized healthcare programs because the AI determined that it costs too much. People are increasingly risking their health and almost no one has health care at all, except for the few in the elite and those who work for them. (Think of the movie with Matt Damon, Elysium) …

· The quality of breathing air has been getting worse ever since they started sourcing for cobalt and other materials for chips. Digging the earth and destroying forests, wildlife, because well, they need better materials to create processing power for the AI.

· Everyone is sick but can’t get any help or even afford medication. Medication is highly regulated and controlled- you have to get approval from the government to buy any form of medication. The less people there are alive, the better. Less UBI payments to give to its citizens.

· Everyone lives in the Stackhouse apartments provided for by and subsidized by the government. No one can afford to live in a house, except for those who work for the Big 3 or the Government elites. (Think of the scene in the movie, Ready Player One).

Scene from the movie, Ready Player One

Politics/World Government:

· Since America has been in decline and is no longer the world’s only superpower, other nations have taken the reigns to grab their seat at the table. Politicians have used the global economic collapse to consolidate power. The UN is more powerful than ever because the world’s countries are divided into 7 major zones. The UN appointed a ruler over each zone (you know, less people to control) and each ruler now reports to the Emperor of the Empire (a.k.a. World Government).

· From what it looks like, we have less war because everyone is interconnected, and it sems like there is world peace. Now the world’s power, politically speaking has become a lot more concentrated too. No more individual presidents, just regional rulers. We live in a multipolar system where regions of the world are divided by ethnic groups, culture, and location. For example, there is the Asia region which consists of countries located within the Asian continent. There is the Americas region consisting of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

· Society as a whole has gone further and further into this bleak existence because there is no motivation or desire for anyone to succeed. Afterall, the AI determined that humans do not need things like purpose or meaning and took it all away from us.

· Influencers and content makers are still around in 2043, and more powerful than ever. Afterall, they are ones who convinced everyone to join the multiverse. They just got richer and richer, and anyone who works for the Big 3 remains in the upper class so they are the only ones making bank.

Welcome to the Multiverse- a Great Distraction from Reality


In the future, everyone will spend most of their time in a virtual world. The Big 3 and the government gave us a giant way to be distracted from this painful existence. They provided everyone with free VR headsets to go be plugged into the multiverse. It’s a giant virtual reality sphere which links all social media accounts, emails, and your entire life takes place here. In fact, you can be anything or anyone you want in this world. As long as you wear your VR headset, you don’t have to listen to cries of human rights abuses or groans of people starving. People rather stay plugged into the multiverse, where life is so much better. Now with biometric haptic VR suits, you can have as many sexual partners as you want, without touching a single human being. In the multiverse, you can sit on beach naked in Fiji with your favorite celebrity, and you won’t pay attention to the fact that billionaires are taking trips to the moon. Yes, in 2043- there is space tourism, but only for the elites.

My Plea to Those Working on AI

If we only knew what life would have looked like after AI took over, we would’ve never created it. We would’ve never created this type of super intelligence that would decimate the human condition. The type of AI that we created seeks to take away our purpose and sense of meaning to our existence. The AI determined that we are all non-essential, negligible, fungible beings who do nothing but consume and take up space. Therefore, our jobs, sense of purpose, and meaning must be eliminated at all costs.

Hence this is my warning to those who are working on AI right now. Please consider something greater than your job. Please take into consideration the larger impacts that your code will have on generations to come. You can’t teach AI to have compassion, you can’t code it to love humanity. You can possibly teach it to act more ethically, but what happens when the AI feels that is insufficient, unnecessary? Engineers working on AI right now- hold the keys to the future. Don’t think about the rosy and bright future and benefits of AI that companies try and sell to you. Think in terms of the most sinister, darkest future filled with despair and elimination of all that we hold dear as humans. This is the future that they don’t want you to consider, because if you do, you would never create something that could do this much damage. So, they keep feeding you with lies that you are going to be a part of something that will make us all richer, happier, and more efficient. That is only to distract you from the fact that it will only make THEM richer and healthier, while everyone else suffers. This the true future of AI that no one wants to talk about… and this is why I chose to write about it.


This has been written by someone who holds a Master’s in Cybersecurity Technology and Master’s in International Studies- who has worked in tech and researched world power structures. I do not write this from a place of ignorance but rather, a deep understanding of current affairs, technology, and foreign policy.

This is also being written by a very concerned citizen who deeply cares for humanity, but supports technology. My intentions are pure and I wrote this to bring light to the dark side of AI. In fact, I hope none of this becomes a reality. When George Orwell wrote his book, 1984- he wrote fiction yet many of those concepts and ideas were used in dictatorial governments. This isn’t intended to disparage the use of AI but provide a counter voice to the many proponents of AI who seem to ignore that the jobs and purpose it will strip away from the fabric of society.

Don’t send me hate mail- I will never read it.

